
The Judas Valley

audiobook & e-book

The Judas Valley is a science fiction novella by Randal Garrett and Robert Silverberg (under the pen-name “Gerald Vance”) first published in 1962.

Fifty-nine men and one love interest land on a world that killed most of the first scout ship that landed.

Why did everybody step off the ship in this strange valley and promptly drop dead?

How could a well-equipped corps of tough spacemen become a field of rotting skeletons in this quiet world of peace and contentment?

It was a mystery Peter and Sherri had to solve.

If they could live long enough!

Originally published in Amazing Stories October 1956.

Total Running Time (TRT): 1 hour, 17 min.

Randall Garrett (1927-1987) was an American science fiction and fantasy author. He was a prolific contributor to Astounding and other science fiction magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. He instructed Robert Silverberg in the techniques of selling large quantities of action-adventure science fiction, and collaborated with him on two novels about Earth bringing civilization to an alien planet.

Robert Silverberg (born 1935) is a prolific American author, best known for writing science fiction. He is a multiple winner of both Hugo and Nebula Awards, a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame, and a Grand Master of SF.

Narrator: Phil Chenevert
