A greenish twilight, lighter above than below. The upper part is filled with undulating water, which streams respectively from right to left. Towards the bottom the waves resolve themselves into a mist which grows finer as it descends, so that a space, as high as a mans body from the ground, appears to be quite free from the water, which floats like a train of clouds over the gloomy stretch below. Steep rocky peaks jut up everywhere from the depths, and enclose the entire stage. The ground is a wild confusion of jagged rocks, no part of it being quite level, and on every side deeper fisures are indicated by a still denser gloom. Woglinde circles with graceful swimming movements round the central rock.
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bookTannhäuser : Grosse romantische Oper in drei Akten: Tannhäuser und Der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg
Richard Wagner
bookDer Ring des Nibelungen : Opernzyklus: Das Rheingold + Die Walküre + Siegfried + Götterdämmerung
Richard Wagner