Tilgivelsens væsen handler om, hvorfor tilgivelse er så vigtig for vores velbefindende. Normalt husker vi enhver krænkelse og selvbebrejdelse og gemmer den i sindets afkroge, og det indebærer smerter og afsavn. På en enkel måde viser Gerald Jampolsky, hvordan tilgivelse – det sværeste af alt – kan blive en del af vores liv og bringe både os selv og dem vi kender, lettelse og fred. Tilgivelse er ikke bare vigtig i forhold til f.eks. forældre, ægtefælle og kolleger, men bør i høj grad også omfatte os selv – vores væremåde, udseende og fejltagelser.Gerald G. Jampolsky er børnepsykiater og grundlagde i 1975 Center for Attitudinal Healing, som nu indgår i et verdensomspændende netværk i mere end 30 lande. Han har udgivet en lang række bøger heriblandt bestselleren Kærlighed gør dig fri for al angst.
Tilgivelsens væsen
- 45 pages
- 3 books
Gerald G. Jampolsky
The late Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, author of Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All, was an internationally recognized authority in the fields of psychiatry, health, business, and education. Jampolsky was a child and adult psychiatrist, a graduate of Stanford Medical School, an author, and an inspirational speaker. He learned about forgiveness by helping thousands of people for more than thirty years deal with the psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of facing both chronic and life-threatening illnesses. He was the founder of The Center for Attitudinal Healing, of which there are now more than 130 satellite centers around the world, and was the recipient of the Jehan Sadat Peace Award. Jampolsky’s pioneering work at the center eventually led him to consult in Bosnia, Russia, and Ghana on the importance of attitudinal healing and forgiveness. Jampolsky is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Love Is Letting Go of Fear (with over 3.5 million copies in print).
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