
Touching All Bases : A BDSM Romance Story


ā€œDo I know you?ā€ said Abbey, with an inquisitive look on her face.

ā€œNo, I donā€™t think so,ā€ replied Tom with his charming smile.

They had just been set up on a blind date, and there was an instant physical attraction. Abbey would already see that Tom was well off; the fancy restaurant was his choice, and heā€™d already insisted heā€™d be the one who was paying. It wasnā€™t something Abbey expected, but sheā€™d gulped when sheā€™d seen the prices on this menu.

She couldnā€™t help but be tempted by a question she wanted to ask. It was a standard question, but one she was hesitant to ask due to his obvious wealth.

ā€œSo what do you do for a living?ā€ she asked politely.

ā€œIā€™m the financial director at one of the firms in the city."