
Tule linjoille - 6 provosoivaa eroottista novellia

audiobook & e-book

Tämä novellikokoelma sisältää kuusi provosoivaa eroottista tarinaa Elena Lundilta: Alistuminen, Vaarallinen intohimo, Ratsastaja, Tule linjoille, Tervetuloa Kittyyn, Harjoittelija.

Nimimerkki Elena Lund on ruotsalainen erotiikkakirjailija. Hän haastaa kertomuksillaan ennakkokäsityksiämme himosta ja normeista ja kirjoittaa erotiikasta tavalla, joka vie lukijan keskelle uusia, odottamattomia ja täyteen ladattuja tilanteita.

  1. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Female Pleasure Circle - A Collection of Feminist Erotica

    Nina Alvén, Camille Bech, Catrina Curant, Fabien Dumaître, Malin Edholm, Andrea Hansen, B. J. Hermansson, Sara Agnès L., Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Marguerite Nousville, Katja Slonawski, Lisa Vild

  2. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Will You Dare? - A Collection of Taboo Erotica

    Camille Bech, Nadia Drozd, B. J. Hermansson, Mila Lipa, Elena Lund, SheWolf, Katja Slonawski, Lisa Vild

  3. Some covers are only visible when logged in


    Camille Bech, Fabien Dumaître, B. J. Hermansson, Elena Lund, Marguerite Nousville, Vanessa Salt, Katja Slonawski, Elise Storm, Lisa Vild

  4. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    At Your Service: A Collection of BDSM, Roleplay & Other Daring Erotica

    Nina Alvén, Catrina Curant, Fabien Dumaître, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Sara Agnès L., Mila Lipa, Elena Lund, Alicia Luz, Victoria Październy, Katja Slonawski, Elise Storm, Lisa Vild

  5. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Aquarius

    Camille Bech, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund

  6. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Amor sin edad: 10 cuentos para adultos

    Camille Bech, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Elena Lund

  7. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Desconocidos: 9 cuentos para adultos

    B. J. Hermansson, Elena Lund, Katja Slonawski, Lisa Vild

  8. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Zodiaken: 10 Erotiska noveller för Lejonet

    B. J. Hermansson, Irse Kræmer, Sara Agnès L., Elena Lund, Alicia Luz, Vanessa Salt, Sarah Skov

  9. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    The Apprentice, My Abduction Fantasy and Other Erotic Stories About Dominating Women

    Anita Bang, Camille Bech, B. J. Hermansson, Lea Lind, Elena Lund, Alexandra Södergran, Reiner Larsen Wiese

  10. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Zodiaken: 10 Erotiska noveller för Vattumannen

    Camille Bech, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund

  11. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Zodiaken: 9 Erotiska noveller för Fisken

    Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Marie Metso, Marguerite Nousville, Olrik, Vanessa Salt, Saga Stigsdotter

  12. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    W is for Wild at Work - 12 Erotic Short Stories

    Camille Bech, Black Chanterelle, Chrystelle LeRoy, Mila Lipa, Elena Lund, Ewa Maciejczuk, Olrik, Vanessa Salt, Sarah Skov, Christina Tempest
