
Workbook for Tailspin: The People and Forces Behind America's Fifty-Year Fall--and Fighting to Reverse It (Max-Help Books)


Complete beginners can use this workbook for Tailspin: The People and Forces Behind America's Fifty-Year Fall--and Fighting to Reverse It by Steven Brill and find immediate help in applying its major lessons.

Tailspin, Steve Brill's latest book, describes in great detail how events that have occurred over the past fifty years have been the cause of the country's progressive tailspin. Brill explains how we got where we are, and how the actions of only a few people have put us in a declining position. This book has been acclaimed by people like Bill Bradley and Tom Brokaw and by magazines like The New York Times and The Weekly Standard. Tailspin is a book that raises awareness among its readers about what is really going on in the United States and what are the origins of many of the most critical problems in the lives of its citizens.

Do you want to apply the major lessons to your daily life? The goal of this workbook is to help even the newest readers apply what may be the most critical lessons found in Tailspin: The People and Forces Behind America's Fifty-Year Fall--and Fighting to Reverse It by Steven Brill. Results have shown that learning is retained best through repeated hands-on applications. With Max Help Workbooks, readers will be able to find distilled information categorized into major lessons with applicable exercise worksheets to maximize learning.

Don’t Miss the Following Content:

Succinct breakdown of the book categorized into major lessons

Read and use the exercises yourself or as a group

Easy-to-understand analysis of each lessons distilled for even the newest of readers

Simple and practical worksheets to further reader’s application

Quiz questions as a resource to be used for yourself or others

So, what are you waiting for? Get your copy now and take out a pencil, pen, or whatever digital technology to jot down, implement, and make solid changes happen.

And don’t forget to have fun - that’ll also keep you learning.

Disclaimer: This workbook is meant to further application as an unofficial companion guide of the original work and is not affiliated with, or intended to replace the original work in any way. We encourage readers to purchase the original work prior to purchasing this copy.