
You've Got To Be Kidding! : How to Keep Your Job Without Losing Your Integrity


As companies increasingly begin to focus on creating an ethical workplace, they recognize that their first line of defense is educating their employees and with that it is becoming more commonplace to have mandatory ethics training course for employees. Emphasizing accountability, the significance of confidentiality, company security and integrity/respect in the workplace, this book will be for everyone, not just a few at the top and is set to be a workplace ethics bible. Unlike other books on the subject, this office ethics book written to include both those in charge and the subordinates who are now being held accountable. It is a how-to handbook for the practical resolution of common day-to-day ethical dilemmas in the workplace--from the security and confidentiality problems of technology today (e.g. careless Facebook entries) to building and writing an effective ethics code of conduct for businesses of any size. With how-to examples for employees to solve all kinds of ethical dilemmas and still maintain their principles, integrity and standards, this book will be a wake-up call for employees today.

Narrator: Alexis Papadopolous
