
A Good Dose of Dhamma : For Meditators When They Are Ill


This is an audiobook of Bodhi Leaves No.136 by Tan Acharn Kor Khao-suan-luang (Upāsikā Kee Ñāṇayon), 'A Good Dose of Dhamma: For Meditators WhenThey Are Ill' found in the Pariyatti Edition of Collected Bodhi Leaves Vol. V. Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Excerpt from Chapter 1

"Normally, illness is something we all have, but the type of illness where you can still do your work isn’t recognised as illness. It is called the normal human state all over the world. Yet really, when the body is in its normal state, it is still ill in and of itself. People in general are simply unaware of the fact that there is the deterioration of physical and mental phenomena, continually, from moment to moment.

The way people get carried away with their thoughts and preoccupations while they’re still strong enough to do this and do that: that’s really complacency. They’re no match at all for people lying in bed ill.People lying in bed ill are lucky because they have the opportunity to do nothing but contemplate stress and pain. Their minds don’t take up anything else, don’t go anywhere else. They can contemplate pain at all times—and let go of pain at all times as well."