1. 5,000+ Positive Affirmations for Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance : 5 Hours of Motivational Daily Affirmations to Change Your Life by Attracting Wealth, Success and Abundance (for Men & Women)

    The Motivation Club

  2. 10,000+ Daily Affirmations to Increase Your Confidence and Self-Esteem Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Through 11 Hours of Subliminal Affirmations to Overcome Anxiety and Self-Doubt

    The Motivation Club

  3. 10,000+ Motivational Affirmations for Health and Fitness Increase Your Motivation to Exercise, Develop Fitness Habits and Become Active. Ideal for Gym Quick Workouts, Training, Morning Runs

    The Motivation Club

  4. 5,000+ Daily Affirmations to Naturally Lose Weight Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Stay Fit and Look Amazing in Just 2 weeks with 5 Hours of Rapid Weight Loss Daily Affirmations

    The Motivation Club

  5. 10,000+ Motivational Affirmations to Stop Procrastination and Increase Productivity Eliminate Distraction & Bad Habits with Positive Affirmations, Even If You're Super Lazy and Unmotivated

    The Motivation Club

  6. 2,500+ Positive Daily Affirmations to Naturally Lose Weight Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Stay Fit and Look Amazing in Just 2 weeks with Rapid Weight Loss Affirmations

    The Motivation Club

  7. Manifest Vitality and Strength : Rewrite Your Reality for Health and Fitness 2,367 Positive Daily Affirmations for Busy People Ideal for Gym Quick Workouts, Training, Healthy Eating, Morning Runs

    The Motivation Club

  8. 10,000+ Motivational Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity Become a Winner and Attract Wealth, Money and Success to Your Life Even if You've Never Been Wealthy or Rich (for Men & Women)

    The Motivation Club

  9. Overcome Procrastination : Take Action Now with 2,500+ Positive Subliminal Affirmations Learn to Prioritize Your Goals, Become More Efficient, and Increase Your Productivity (for Men & Women)

    The Motivation Club

  10. Weight Loss Daily Affirmations : 2,467 Daily Affirmations and Motivational Quotes Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Lose Weight with Subliminal Affirmations in Just 7 days

    The Motivation Club

  11. Stay Active Affirmations : Increase Your Motivation to Exercise 2,437 Motivational Daily Affirmations to Develop Healthier Fitness Habits and Feel Inspired to Be Active, Even if You're Never Motivated

    The Motivation Club
