This volume comprises 16 chapters – both research papers and theoretical contributions – grouped in three thematic sections. The chapters in the first part, entitled "Discourse Communities: Languages in Contact," adopt a social and/or historical perspective on bi-/multilingualism. The contributions in the second part, entitled "Languages in the Mind: Language Development and Language Use," view issues related to bi- and multilingualism from psycholinguistic and psychological perspectives. The chapters comprising the third part, "Language Education: Supporting Multilingual Development," adopt a broadly understood didactic perspective on bi-/multilingualism.
Pädagogisch-fremdsprachendidaktische Verortungen der Lehrerforschung : Konzepte, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven
bookAlter und Input als Hauptfaktoren beim bilingualen Spracherwerb : Artikel und Nullargumente im Deutschen bei zweisprachigen Kindern
Aldona Sopata
bookMarketingtexte aus translationswissenschaftlicher Sicht : Untersuchung einer Kundenzeitschrift der Automobilbranche im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Polnisch
Hanka Błaszkowska
bookBinomials in English/Polish Company Registration Discourse : The Study of Linguistic Profile and Translation Patterns
Edyta Więcławska
bookLanguage, Culture, Identity : Between Ethnolinguistics and Ethnomethodology
bookMathematik in Sprachen Europas – Mathematics in Languages of Europe : Linguistische Zugänge und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven – Linguistic Approaches and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
bookAnalysing Discourse, Analysing Poland : The Case of a Political Interview
bookTheory and Practice of Polish Language Teaching : New Methodological Concepts
bookRelationship Matters : Teacher Variables and Learner Emotions in the Foreign Language Learning Process
Czesław Kiński
book›Linguistische Grenzschaft‹ als eine analytische Kategorie : Sprachkontakt des deutsch-polnischen Grenzgebietes
Barbara Alicja Jańczak
bookEU Regulations as a Hybrid Genre : A Linguistic View of the European Democratic Deficit
Virginia Vecchiato
Becoming a Plurilingual Child
Roberto Gómez Fernández
bookHBR's 10 Must Reads on Negotiation
Harvard Harvard Business Review, Daniel Kahneman, Deepak Malhotra, Erin Meyer, Max H. Bazerman
Jenny Colgan
audiobookPRINCE2 : Die Erfolgsmethode einfach erklärt
Fabian Kaiser, Roman Simschek
bookPRINCE2 : Die Erfolgsmethode einfach erklärt. Version 2017
Fabian Kaiser, Roman Simschek
bookInflection 03: New Order : Journal of the Melbourne School of Design
Rory Hyde, Luke Pearson, Forensic Architecture, Breathe Architecture, Lateral Office
Mary Beard, John Henderson
audiobookAgile Project Management for Dummies
Mark C. Layton
audiobookSummary, Analysis, and Review of Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow
Start Publishing Notes Start Publishing Notes
audiobookWortöffnungen : Zur Mehrsprachigkeit Paul Celans
Dirk Weissmann
Maxwell L. Anderson
audiobookOptimal : How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day
Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss