Wrong! There is a method of learning which no mammal is impervious to - not even the cat. It is called 'classical conditioning', and is used in a very specific way as part of clicker training. Every click results in something positive for the cat: a treat, a cuddle, a favourite game. And because cats are intelligent, they quickly understand what kind of behaviour gets them a 'click' and a reward, and they will experiment in order to find out what else might work. This manual gives you the knowledge and the chance to explore a new world together with your cat.
Chat to your Cat : Lessons in cat conversation
Martina Braun
bookDer Hund in deinem Kopf : Selbstcoaching- Das Geheimnis der Hundeerziehung
Martina Braun
bookClicker Training for Clever Cats : Learning can be fun!
Martina Braun
bookKätzisch für Nichtkatzen : So verstehen Sie Ihre Samtpfote
Martina Braun
bookHündisch für Nichthunde : So verstehen Sie Ihren Hund
Martina Braun