1. Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, & Codependency Recovery: Protect Yourself Against Dark Psychology Tactics, Recognize Emotionally Abusive People, and Spot Manipulation to End Toxic Relationships.

    Eric Holt

  2. Living With ADHD: A Comprehensive Guide for Men and Women with Adult ADHD to Achieve Emotional Control, Boost Productivity, Enhance Relationships, and Attain Success in Life.

    Eric Holt

  3. Habits & Growth Mindset: Discover the Secrets to Success, Build Mental Toughness, and Transform Your Life with Habit Stacking, Emotional Control, and Proven Strategies for Personal Growth.

    Eric Holt

  4. Charisma: How to Talk to Anyone and Be More Charismatic in All Areas of Your Life with Powerful Techniques to Improve Small Talk Skills, Influence Others, Make Friends, and Become a Sociable Person.

    Eric Holt

  5. ADHD & Focus: Techniques for Men & Women with Adult ADHD to Boost Your Self Discipline, Productivity, Time Management, and Emotional Control to Overcome Procrastination, Distractions, and Burnout.

    Eric Holt

  6. Mind Control: Learn Proven Strategies and Techniques to Master Manipulation, Emotional Influence, and Persuasion Using Body Language, Dark Psychology, Hypnosis, How To Analyze People, and NLP Secrets!

    Eric Holt

  7. Stop Procrastination: The Ultimate Guide for Building Unbreakable Habits, Self-Discipline, and Mental Toughness to Master Difficult Tasks, Increase Productivity, and Achieve Your Goals.

    Eric Holt

  8. The Alpha Male Blueprint: Discover What Women Really Want and Make Them Chase You With Dating Secrets to Become a Charming, Confident, Powerful, and Legendary Alpha Man in No Time.

    Eric Holt

  9. Carisma: Cómo hablar con cualquier persona y ser más carismático en todos los ámbitos de tu vida con técnicas para mejorar las habilidades de conversación casual, influir en los demás, hacer amigos y convertirte en una persona sociable.

    Eric Holt

  10. How To Analyze People Reading Body Language: Speed Read People and Crack the Code of Human Behavior to Protect Yourself From Manipulation, NLP, Dark Psychology, Mind Control, and Persuasion Skills.

    Eric Holt

  11. Dark Psychology: Master Human Manipulation Using Mind Control, Covert NLP, and Subliminal Persuasion to Learn How To Analyze People With Body Language, Speed Reading Techniques, and Hypnosis.

    Eric Holt

  12. Decoding Body Language: Crack the Code of Human Behavior, Speed Read People Like a Book, and Learn How to Analyze People with NLP, Manipulation, Dark Psychology, Mind Control, and Persuasion Skills.

    Eric Holt


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    Robert Greene

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    Miguel Pradilla

  3. La receta del éxito

    Adrián Gutiérrez Ávila

  4. Las 48 leyes del poder

    Robert Greene

  5. El sistema de la vida

    Danilo Henrique Gomes, Amparo Alba U (Translator)

  6. El arte de persuadir y negociar : Principios y técnicas de manipulación, negociación y persuasión

    Lams Belamy

  7. Demian :

    Hermann Hesse

  8. Hábitos para ser millonario "Million Dollar Habits" : Duplica o triplica tus ingresos con un poderoso método

    Brian Tracy

  9. 528 Hz - Música Relajante con Sonidos de la Naturaleza para Meditación, Hipnosis, Estudio, Trabajo Energético y Sueño Profundo

    Oasis Sonoro

  10. Hipnosis De Pérdida De Peso Extrema: Autohipnosis, afirmaciones y meditaciones guiadas para quemar grasa, dominar la alimentación emocional, la adicción a la comida, lograr hábitos alimenticios saludables y mindfulness.

    Zara Malcolm

  11. Cómo Leer A La Gente Como Un Libro: El sutil arte de analizar a las personas y hacer una lectura rápida para descifrar: lenguaje corporal, intenciones, pensamientos, emociones, comportamientos, ¡y conectar sin esfuerzo!

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  12. Inteligencia Emocional y CBT: Técnicas de terapia cognitivo conductual para mejorar tus relaciones y tu coeficiente intelectual - ¡Supera la ansiedad, la depresión, la manipulación, el abuso narcisista y más!

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