In 'Die Lebensgeschichte von Sojourner Truth' wird die erstaunliche und inspirierende Reise von Sojourner Truth, einer afroamerikanischen Abolitionistin und Frauenrechtlerin des 19. Jahrhunderts, erzählt. Das Buch, das autobiografische Elemente mit historischen Kontexten verwebt, vermittelt nicht nur die persönliche Geschichte Truths vom Sklavenleben zur Freiheit, sondern beleuchtet auch ihren einflussreichen Kampf gegen die Sklaverei und für Gleichberechtigung. Der literarische Stil ist geprägt von direkter und eindringlicher Prosa, die das Leid, die Hoffnung und den unbeugsamen Geist von Truth einfängt, und stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur amerikanischen Literatur und Geschichte dar. Sojourner Truth, geboren als Isabella Baumfree, war eine entscheidende Stimme in den Bewegungen für die Abschaffung der Sklaverei und das Frauenwahlrecht. Ihre Erlebnisse als Sklavin, die Flucht in die Freiheit und die anschließende Reise als Wanderpredigerin und Rednerin boten ihr eine einzigartige Perspektive, die sie in ihrer Autobiografie eindrucksvoll zum Ausdruck bringt. Ihre kraftvollen Reden und Narrative dienten als Motivation für die Veröffentlichung ihres Lebenswerkes, um künftige Generationen aufzuklären und zu inspirieren. 'Die Lebensgeschichte von Sojourner Truth' ist ein essentieller Text nicht nur für Historiker:innen und Literaturwissenschaftler:innen, sondern auch für alle, die sich mit den Themen Gerechtigkeit, Gleichberechtigung und menschliche Widerstandsfähigkeit auseinandersetzen möchten. Es lehrt uns die Bedeutung von Mut und Ausdauer und ist eine Inspirationsquelle für jeden, der sich für soziale Veränderungen einsetzt.
Slavery: Not Forgiven, Never Forgotten – The Most Powerful Slave Narratives, Historical Documents & Influential Novels : The Underground Railroad, Memoirs of Frederick Douglass, 12 Years a Slave, Uncle Tom's Cabin, History of Abolitionism, Lynch Law, Civil Rights Acts, New Amendments and much more
Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mark Twain, Lydia Maria Child, Harriet E. Wilson, William Wells Brown, Charles W. Chesnutt, James Weldon Johnson, Albion Winegar Tourgée, Sutton E. Griggs, Solomon Northup, Willie Lynch, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, William Craft, Ellen Craft, Louis Hughes, Jacob D. Green, Booker T. Washington, Olaudah Equiano, Elizabeth Keckley, William Still, Sarah H. Bradford, Josiah Henson, Charles Ball, Austin Steward, Henry Bibb, L. S. Thompson, Kate Drumgoold, Lucy A. Delaney, Moses Grandy, John Gabriel Stedman, Henry Box Brown, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Thomas S. Gaines, Brantz Mayer, Aphra Behn, Theodore Canot, Daniel Drayton, Thomas Clarkson, F. G. De Fontaine, John Dixon Long, Stephen Smith, Joseph Mountain, Ida B. Wells-Barnett
book100$ REWARD ON MY HEAD – Powerful & Unflinching Memoirs Of Former Slaves: 28 Narratives in One Volume : Voices of Resilience and Freedom: Untold Stories of Former Slaves
Thomas Clarkson, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain
bookThe Faces Behind the Chains: Thousands of Interviews, Memoirs & Life Stories of Former Slaves : Including Historical Documents & Legislative Progress of Civil Rights Movement
Aphra Behn, Thomas Clarkson, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Work Projects Administration, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain
bookThe Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves
Aphra Behn, Thomas Clarkson, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Work Projects Administration, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain
bookThe Faces Behind the Chains: Thousands of Interviews, Memoirs & Life Stories of Former Slaves : Including Historical Documents & Legislative Progress of Civil Rights Movement
Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Solomon Northup, Willie Lynch, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, William Craft, Ellen Craft, Louis Hughes, Jacob D. Green, Booker T. Washington, Olaudah Equiano, Elizabeth Keckley, William Still, Sarah H. Bradford, Josiah Henson, Charles Ball, Austin Steward, Henry Bibb, L. S. Thompson, Kate Drumgoold, Lucy A. Delaney, Moses Grandy, John Gabriel Stedman, Henry Box Brown, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Thomas S. Gaines, Brantz Mayer, Aphra Behn, Theodore Canot, Daniel Drayton, Thomas Clarkson, F. G. De Fontaine, John Dixon Long, Stephen Smith, Joseph Mountain, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Work Projects Administration
bookThe Narrative of Sojourner Truth : Including Her Speech Ain't I a Woman?
Sojourner Truth
bookBREAKING THE CHAINS – The Essential & Powerful Narratives that Shook the Roots of Slavery (17 Books in One Volume) : Voices of Resistance and Hope: A Tapestry of Antislavery Narratives
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louis Hughes, William Still, Nat Turner, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Ellen Craft, William Craft, Sarah H. Bradford, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Willie Lynch
bookThe Narrative of Sojourner Truth (Unabridged) : Including her famous Speech Ain't I a Woman? (Inspiring Memoir of One Incredible Woman)
Sojourner Truth
bookUNCHAINED - Powerful & Unflinching Narratives Of Former Slaves: 28 True Life Stories in One Volume : Voices of Resilience and Courage: Freedom Stories from Former Slaves
Thomas Clarkson, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain
bookBreaking the Chains : Collection of the Most Influential Narratives that Shook the Roots of Slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louis Hughes, William Still, Nat Turner, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Ellen Craft, William Craft, Sarah H. Bradford, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Willie Lynch
bookNever Forgotten, Never Could be : Documented Testimonies of Former Slaves, Memoirs & History of Abolitionist Movement
Thomas Clarkson, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain