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  1. Break Up with What Broke You : How God Redeems and Rewrites Your Story

    Christian Bevere

  2. Knowledge and information

    Mark Pagel, Mark Plotkin, John Hemming, Jessica Frazier, Richard Miles, Erica Benner, Peter Burke, Nathan Shachar, Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Mariano Sigman, Martin Ingvar, Michael Goodman, Gill Bennett, Simon Mayall, Maria Borelius, Andrew Keen, Nicholas Carr, Peter Frankopan, M. Antoni J. Ucerler, Christopher Coker, Janne Haaland Matláry, Elisabeth Kendall, Claire Lehmann, David Goodhart, Brendan O’Neill, Fraser Nelson, Iain Martin, Adrian Wooldridge

  3. Will I Ever Be Free of You? : How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family

    Karyl McBride

  4. Vagus Nerve

    Jessie Jean

  5. Aksjeskolen

    Finn Øystein Bergh

  6. Vagus Nerve : Learn How to Reduce Inflammation, Prevent Chronic Illness and Overcome Anxiety, Stress and Depression, Activating and Stimulating The Most Important Nerve in Your Body

    Stephen Supran

  7. Museum for mordere og redningsmenn: roman

    Simon Stranger

  8. Stemning - Skogens ro

    Rasmus Broe

  9. Vi er ikke her for å ha det morsomt

    Nina Lykke

  10. The 10 Pillars of Wealth

    Alex Becker

  11. The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita : Discourse Between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being Under the Form of Krishna (Religious Classic) - Synthesis of the Brahmanical concept of Dharma, theistic bhakti, the yogic ideals of moksha, and Raja Yoga

    Edwin Arnold

  12. Radical Confidence : 11 Lessons on How to Get the Relationship, Career, and Life You Want

    Lisa Bilyeu
