
Executive Intelligence : The Essential Guide to Understanding Intelligence, Learn Effective Techniques and Foolproof Strategies on How to Dramatically Increase Your Intelligence


Executive Intelligence: The Essential Guide to Understanding Intelligence, Learn Effective Techniques and Foolproof Strategies on How to Dramatically Increase Your Intelligence

People often assume that intelligence is fixed from birth. If you're born with it, good for you! But if someone were born lacking in the intelligence department, he or she is expected to not go far in life. This common misconception is actually false. Studies have shown that increasing our intelligence is possible. Our brain may continue to grow into old age. If you heard about the term "brain plasticity," this term is specifically about this ability to grow our brain and increase our intelligence.

There are research that shows that there are various ways to develop some of the most crucial skills related to intelligence. There are ways and activities you can do in order to increase your intelligence. And when practiced on a daily basis, you'll find that gain in intelligence will spill over to other aspects of your life.

This audiobook will teach you about holistic ways to fuel your mind, body and mind in order to increase your intelligence. It will show you how to nourish your intellect.

In this audiobook, you will learn about the following topics:

-A Fit Diet and Brain Nutrition

-Being Absolved From Chronic Stress: Meditating

-Self-Assurance in Your Intelligence

-Having a Great Rest


-Fresh Intriguing Experience

-Regular Work Outs

-Working Memory Brain Schooling

When it comes to intelligence, there's no gain without pain. Same thing when you exercise because you want to have a great body, pushing your brain to new levels is not easy. But going the extra mile is what you need to become better.

If you want to learn more about effective ways on how you can grow your brain and increase your intelligence, scroll up and click "add to cart" now!