Compensation at the Top will add original intellectual capital to the issues of paying for performance and will bring the alignment research alive with stories, experiences, and perspectives from people who have dealt with these issues for years. The book will feature an original data base, collected for a 25 year period, that will quantify how much total compensation is actually delivered to a CEO for a given level of company performance, revenue size, and industry. The authors are developing this empirical data base across a broad group of companies (i.e., the S&P 1500), representing the Executive Labor Market (ELM), and will report the actual realized pay for given levels of performance. As a result, all constituencies evaluating executive pay will be able to determine, on an analytically-grounded basis, whether pay actions, as well as pay design, are appropriate. The book will also provide real world stories, perspectives, and insights from thought leaders on executive compensation. Interviewees will include compensation committee members, executives, academicians, government leaders, and shareholder activists.
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