
Five Minutes to Happiness


The greatest adventure in our lives is to learn the art of being happy. Happiness, like worry, is a habit, just as tying a shoelace or brushing our teeth becomes a habit. And, as you'll learn in this audiobook, it only takes five minute a day to install happiness as a lifelong habit. Once the happiness habit is developed then it becomes a permanent part of your personality--requiring little or no effort on your part.

You'll learn that tensions are at a minimum when we are happy. We cannot eliminate tensions altogether, yet wherever possible we must stand up to these tensions and stresses to develop our mental and spiritual muscles, just as in a game an athlete shows his abilities best under stress.

In this program, you'll learn that we have a "built-in" success mechanism, also a "built-in" failure mechanism, and it is up to us to utilize the success mechanism in order to maximize happiness.

And you'll learn that to be happy we must learn that we have another image besides the e

Oppleser: Matt Furey