The battlefields of Gallipoli and Salonica were a far cry from life on a small working farm in County Louth, Ireland, and yet, in 1915, Captain David Campbell, M.C., 6th Royal Irish Rifles, found himself in the searing Turkish heat, confronted by a faceless and seemingly tireless enemy. Less than twenty months after joining the Officers' Training Corps in Trinity College Dublin, Campbell led his company over the arid ground to the Front. From the beginning he kept a diary, describing life in these two theatres of war in great detail. Forward the Rifles is that diary. In it, he encapsulates the frightening scale of warfare, and yet he managed to find humour in the simple acts of himself and his men, as they trudge through daily life, trying to keep their bodies nourished and their spirits buoyed. The story of Captain David Campbell is one that will ring true for many, and yet it is an intensely personal one, chronicling his recovery from the physical and mental wounds of battle. Now, more than three decades after his death, the unswerving loyalty, courage and kindness of Captain David Campbell, M.C., are reborn.
L'arte della manipolazione mentale - Leggere le persone: Diventa un esperto della psicologia, riconosci immediatamente le tecniche di manipolazione nella quotidianità e sfruttale a tuo vantaggio
David Campbell
audiobookbookPNL PER PRINCIPIANTI: Sfrutta a tuo vantaggio il potere della psicologia, della manipolazione mentale e della comunicazione e con la forza del tuo subconscio diventa la migliore versione di te stesso
David Campbell
bookEl arte de la manipulación - Leer a las personas: Conviértase en un maestro de la psicología y reconozca inmediatamente las técnicas de manipulación y utilícelas en su propio beneficio
David Campbell
bookL'art de la manipulation – Décoder votre entourage: Devenez dès maintenant un maître de la psychologie, reconnaissez les techniques de manipulation facilement et utilisez-les à votre avantage
David Campbell
bookLA PODEROSA PSICOLOGÍA: Cómo utilizar la psicología probada y las técnicas de manipulación en su beneficio, leer fácilmente a las personas, influir en ellas y ganarlas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
David Campbell
bookIL POTERE DELLA PSICOLOGIA: Come sfruttare a tuo vantaggio le migliori tecniche della psicologia e della manipolazione mentale, leggere gli altri con facilità, influenzarli e conquistarli all'istante
David Campbell
audiobookbookLa puissance de la psychologie: utiliser la psychologie et les techniques de manipulation à son avantage, maîtriser l'analyse comportementale, être capable d'influencer et convaincre son entourage
David Campbell
bookNLP FÜR ANFÄNGER: Nutzen Sie die Macht der Psychologie, Manipulationstechniken und Rhetorik zu Ihrem Vorteil und werden Sie mit der Kraft Ihres Unterbewusstseins zur besten Version Ihrer selbst
David Campbell
audiobookbookDIE MACHTVOLLE PSYCHOLOGIE: Wie Sie die bewährten Psychologie- und Manipulationstechniken zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen, spielend leicht Menschen lesen, beeinflussen und im Handumdrehen für sich gewinnen
David Campbell
bookDie Kunst der Manipulation - Menschen lesen: Werden Sie von nun an zum Meister der Psychologie, erkennen Sie systematische Manipulationstechniken sofort und nutzen Sie diese selbst zu Ihrem Vorteil
David Campbell
bookLa poderosa Psicología: Cómo utilizar la psicología y las técnicas de manipulación probadas en su beneficio, leer fácilmente a las personas, influir en ellas y ganarlas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
David Campbell
audiobookPNL PER PRINCIPIANTI: Sfrutta a tuo vantaggio il potere della psicologia, della manipolazione mentale e della comunicazione e con la forza del tuo subconscio diventa la migliore versione di te stesso
David Campbell