Whether increasing life expectancy leads to better health remains still controversial. Three topics are explored: (1) vanguard groups which inform about possible levels of health if the general social and environmental conditions were to approach those of the vanguard group; (2) the social and behavioral determinants of health differentiated into proximal and distal factors; (3) vulnerable groups such as migrants and the health differences between migrant groups. Newly available population-based data as well as new study designs and advanced statistical modelling form the basis for the empirical analyses.
Vorausberechnung von Verwandtschaft : Wie sich die gemeinsame Lebenszeit von Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern zukünftig entwickelt
Christian Dudel
bookHealth Among the Elderly in Germany : New Evidence on Disease, Disability and Care Need
bookMittendrin? : Lebenspläne und Potenziale älterer Menschen beim Übergang in den Ruhestand
bookFamilienleitbilder in Deutschland : Kulturelle Vorstellungen zu Partnerschaft, Elternschaft und Familienleben
bookUnerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin : Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung
Jasmin Passet-Wittig
bookManaging Expatriates : Success Factors in Private and Public Domains
bookMigration and Refugee Policies in Germany : New European Limits of Control?
Andreas Ette
bookPendelmobilität und Familiengründung : Zum Zusammenhang von berufsbedingtem Pendeln und dem Übergang zum ersten Kind
Thomas Skora
bookGrenzgänge zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand : Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung älterer Menschen
Volker Cihlar, Laura Konzelmann, Andreas Mergenthaler, Frank Micheel, Norbert F. Schneider
bookDie Geburt des dritten Kindes : Einflussfaktoren des Übergangs zum dritten Kind in Westdeutschland, Frankreich, Bulgarien und Ungarn
Ralina Panova
bookKulturelle Vielfalt der öffentlichen Verwaltung : Repräsentation, Wahrnehmung und Konsequenzen von Diversität
bookStatus and Ethnic Identity : A Study on First- and Second-Generation Migrants in Germany
Andreas Genoni
Life Is a Series of Presentations: 8 Ways to Punch Up Your People Skills at Work, at Home, Anytime, Anywhere
Tony Jeary
bookRise Up : Confronting a Country at the Crossroads
Al Sharpton
audiobookSecond Wind : Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper, and More Connected Life
Dr. Bill Thomas
bookThe Immigrant Advantage : What We Can Learn from Newcomers to America about Health, Happiness and Hope
Claudia Kolker
bookTo Hell on a Fast Horse
Mark Lee Gardner
audiobookMaster Your Mind : Powerful Techniques to Unlock The Secret of Positive Thinking, Transform Your Habits, and Develop The Mindset of a Winner.
Noah Martinez Brown
audiobookWhat Every BODY is Saying : An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People
Joe Navarro, Marvin Karlins
Dr. Dan Builfford
bookThe Art of Seduction (Unabridged) : An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power
Robert Greene
audiobookSilva Mind Control Method : The Revolutionary Program by the Founder of the World's Most Famous Mind Control Course
José Silva, Philip Miele
audiobookThe 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene
audiobookPrinsessen : en sann historie om livet bak sløret i Saudi-Arabia
Jean P. Sasson