This edition provides important insights for listeners, revealing what to expect and how to behave, how to avoid misunderstandings, and how to form good social and business relationships when on visit to Israel. While Israel is a modern and largely secular country, it is one steeped in biblical history—a place where religion still plays an active role in public life.
In seventy years, it has grown from a sparsely populated strip of land into a vigorous democracy and regional superpower. Often called the Startup Nation, Israel is a world leader in a number of high-tech industries. Its democratic institutions, despite political and social polarization in recent years, are among the most enlightened in the world. This pocket guide will help listeners understand the country and its people beyond the headlines, ensuring greater understanding and a valuable and successful traveling experience.
Dårlig bok basert på fantasi, finnes ikke noe Israel. Palestinske byer kan ikke få nye navn av ikke-palestinere. Er snakk om 70 years, siden det fantes ikke noe Israel før det, fordi zionister dreper sivile palestinere som er etnisk til området.
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