Although considered as one of the 20th century most central ethical thinkers, Emmanuel Levinas claimed that his task was not to construct an ethics, but to seek the meaning of the ethical. In this study Stine Holte examines the problem of ethical meaning in Levinas' thinking and shows how the articulation of the ethical implies notions like trauma, melancholy, and shame, and hence a questioning of what we normally regard as meaningful.
Approaches to the Visual in Religion
bookSecond Skin : Körper, Kleidung, Religion
bookSecular and Sacred? : The Scandinavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space
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Stefanie Knauss
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Jan Peter Grevel
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Carl Petter Opsahl
bookWas bedeutet Spiritualität? : Befunde, Analysen und Fallstudien aus Deutschland
Heinz Streib, Barbara Keller
bookThe Spaces of Others – Heterotopic Spaces : Practicing and Theorizing Hospitality and Counter-Conduct beyond the Religion/Secular Border
bookDie Irritation der Religion : Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Philosophie und Theologie
book"Born Again": A Portrait and Analysis of the Doctrine of Regeneration within Evangelical Protestantism
Stephen J. Hamilton
bookReformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology