Captain “Steeley” Delaroy, one time air smuggler, with his two comrades, “Tubby” Wilde and Brian Ballantyne, makes a dramatic appearance in this story, this time on the side of the law. A fatal accident at a flying club is casually dismissed as such by a country coroner, but the three airmen are not satisfied. Investigations lead to some remarkable discoveries, and the trail soon leads the airmen into situations far more dangerous then they expected.
Biggles Hits The Trail
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles Defies the Swastika
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles Flies South
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles in the Orient
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles Flies North
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles Defends the Desert
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles and Co.
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles Sees It Through
Captain W.E. Johns
bookThe Spy Flyers
Captain W.E. Johns
Captain W.E. Johns
bookBiggles in the Baltic
Captain W.E. Johns
bookSergeant Bigglesworth, C.I.D.
Captain W.E. Johns