Ted Scott, a daring young aviator, leads a group of men on a suspense filled rescue mission into the jungles of Brazil to save the members of an archeological expedition from headhunters.
Water-Ski Wipeout
Franklin W. Dixon
bookShip of Secrets
Franklin W. Dixon
bookPeril at Granite Peak
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Karate Clue
Franklin W. Dixon
bookMystery of the Phantom Heist
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Alaskan Adventure
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Secret of the Caves
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Tower Treasure
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe House on the Cliff : Adventure & Mystery Novel (The Hardy Boys Series)
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe House on the Cliff
Franklin W. Dixon
bookOver the Jungle Trails
Franklin W. Dixon
bookFirst Stop Honolulu
Franklin W. Dixon