Brilliant teachers really understand themselves and their students. By uncovering personality types teachers can transform learning in their classroom. This practical book helps teachers improve communication, develop creativity, build positive relationships and boost flexibility and organisational skills to become the best teacher they can be. David has introduced this model to hundreds of schools, primary and secondary, both across the UK and abroad to inspire students, classroom teachers and leadership teams.
What Else Can a Teacher Do? : Review your career, reduce stress and gain control of your life
David Hodgson
bookThe Buzz : A practical confidence builder for teenagers
David Hodgson
bookThe Brain Box : The Essential Guide to Success at school or college
David Hodgson
bookThe Little Book of Charisma : Applying the Art and Science
David Hodgson
bookMagic of Modern Metaphor : Walking with the Stars
David Hodgson
bookThe Little Book of Inspirational Teaching Activities : Bringing NLP into the Classroom
David Hodgson