
Sarah Palin's Expert Guide to Good Grammar : What You Can Learn from Someone Who Doesn't Know Right from Write


A hilarious, informative guide to language and grammar inspired by America’s favorite maverick.

It would seem to go without saying that a strong understanding of how to use language properly and effectively is a requisite for success in the 21st century. And yet, increasingly even some of America’s most prominent public figures and leaders seem to have only the most tenuous grasp of how to put together a coherent sentence or paragraph. No individual could be more representative of this unfortunate national tendency than Sarah Palin—the former Governor of Alaska, Fox News pundit, and now campaign surrogate for Donald Trump (another public figure with only a passing familiarity with how to use the English language).

Time and again, Ms. Palin finds ways to bungle basic tenets of vocabulary, syntax, and grammar, often giving speeches or interviews that upon reexamination read more like the drunken ravings of someone unhinged. But it is for this very reason that Ms. Palin can be a great example for all Americans. Often it is only possible to learn from making mistakes, and Ms. Palin has made plenty. This book will be a guide that uses the colorful and chaotic language of Ms. Palin to illustrate key lessons of how (not) to write and speak well.