
Servetus and Calvin : A Study of an Important Epoch in the Early History of the Reformation


Robert Willis's 'Servetus and Calvin' delves into the tumultuous relationship between Michael Servetus and John Calvin during the Protestant Reformation. Drawing from original sources and historical documents, Willis meticulously reconstructs the debates and conflicts that defined the theological landscape of the time. The book's academic tone and detailed analysis make it a valuable resource for scholars and students interested in religious history and the development of Protestantism in the 16th century. Robert Willis, a renowned historian and theologian, brings his expertise to illuminate the power dynamics and ideological differences between Servetus, a Spanish theologian, and Calvin, a key figure in the Reformation. Through his research, Willis sheds light on the complexities of religious debates and the consequences of theological disagreements during this pivotal period in European history. For readers seeking a comprehensive examination of the intellectual and religious clashes between Servetus and Calvin, Robert Willis's 'Servetus and Calvin' is a must-read. This insightful work offers a nuanced understanding of the competing ideologies that shaped the Reformation and its lasting impact on religious thought.