
Spiritual Progress


Editors Preface.

The Providence of God among the Churches seems

to call to the present time for further light upon the subject of a higher

experience than that usually attained by the members of our Christian

societies. Among the teachers who have been from time to time anointed for this

work, Fenelon and Madame Guyon are justly held in high estimation. While some,

perhaps, have had a more interior experience, few, if any, have so joined to

the deepest devotion, a power of spiritual analysis that eminently fitted them

for the office of instructors.

The extracts from Fenelon here given under the title of “Christian

Counsel” have been translated from the “Avis

Chretiens” contained in the fourth volume of the Paris edition of his works

in 10 vols. 12 mo, 1810.

The Spiritual Letters are from the same source.

The translation of the “Method of Prayer” is that which commonly passes

under the name of Thomas Digby Brooke. It has been carefully compared and

corrected by the Editions of the “Opuscules”

published at Cologne 1704, and Paris 1790. The “Concise View” and

“Spiritual Maxims” which follow, have been translated from the Paris edition of


It was at first proposed to have prefixed to the selections an account

of the lives of the authors, but the design was subsequently abandoned. The

very unsatisfactory character of a mere sketch, the space that would be

demanded by anything like a fitting biography, and the very accessible form in

which the materials have been lately placed by Professor Upham, are some of the

reasons that contributed to the change.

As this little work is intended to be simply devotional, matter of a

purely sectarian or controversial character has been as far as possible


And now, beloved reader, one word in conclusion, from the love of God to

you. God has led you, in his Providence, to open this book that He may do you

good. If through his infinite mercy you have had a personal experience of the

matters herein written, your heart will be filled with thanksgiving and praise

as you read. What hath God wrought! If not, you will find many things strange,

and it would not be surprising if you should be ready to pronounce some untrue.

But ah! beware of being wise in your own conceit! The Spirit of God that

searcheth the deep things of God, alone can decide.

Do not distrust the reports of these spies whom God has sent before you

into the promised land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey; true, the

children of Anak are there, in whose sight we are but as grasshoppers, but they

are bread for us. The Lord God, He it is that shall fight for us, and He will

surely bring us into that exceeding good land.

The natural man receiveth not the things of God, for they are

foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually

discerned. If, then, you have not experienced the things that follow, think it

not strange that they should seem foolish and false; in God’s own time they shall

be perceived, if you follow on to know.

If you will be advised by one who knows nothing, and who is least in the

household of faith, you will deny nothing—reject nothing—despise nothing, lest

haply you be found fighting against God: you will receive nothing but what is

accompanied by the Amen of the Spirit

of God in your heart; all else shall be as the idle wind. Reading thus, in

absolute dependence, not upon man’s wisdom or teaching, but upon the utterances

of the blessed Spirit within, you shall infallibly be guided into all Truth.

Such is the promise of Him who cannot lie. And may His blessing rest upon you!