Sugar Detox: The Complete Guide to All Things Sugar, Learn About Different Types of Sugar and Ways to Recognize Them in Everything You Eat Plus How You Can Finally Quit It There has been growing concern over the too much added sugar in our diets. Many governments are starting to crack down to its use. Studies that have been conducted over the years have shown that sugar is the main reason behind many of the health ills of modern civilization. Obesity and diabetes are because of too much consumption of this sweet stuff. Two hundred years ago, the average American only ate about 2 pounds of sugar a year. In 1970, we ate 123 pounds of sugar per year. Today, an average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equivalent to 3 pounds of 6 cups of sugar in one week! Nutritionists suggest that we should only get 10% of calories from sugar. This is equal to 13.3 teaspoons per day but the current average is actually 42.5 teaspoons consumed each day! The numbers are staggering and that is why there is no question why there has been a rampant case of obesity and diseases related to sugar consumption. Most people don't even realize the amount of sugar they consume each day. This audiobook will teach you everything you need to know about sugar. You will learn how to recognize it in all the food you consume. You will learn tips on how to overcome your addiction to it. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following: - The Different Types of Sugar - Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You - The Surprising Places Sugar Hides - How Much Sugar is Too Much - Are You Addicted to Sugar? - Tips for Breaking Your Sugar Habit - How to Fight Sugar Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms - Recipe Ideas to Keep Your Sugar Cravings at Bay There's a heavy price to pay for having a sweet tooth. Consuming too much sugar can not only make us sick but it has no nutritional value whatsoever at all.
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