
Summary of Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin's Five Presidents


Summary of Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin's Five Presidents is a memoir by Clint Hill. It details his experiences as a Secret Service agent from 1958 until his retirement in 1975. The book discusses what it was like to work with each of the five presidents and offers a character sketch of each. It also examines the challenges of providing presidential security.

Hill joined the Secret Service in 1958. He quickly moved up the ranks and was soon working on President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s security detail. His initial duties included following the president on daily rounds of golf and accompanying him on extended foreign trips where massive crowds made security difficult. Hill was present when Eisenhower was informed of the Russian capture of an American U2 spy plane and witnessed Eisenhower’s anger and concern.

Following the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960, Hill was assigned to protect Jacqueline Kennedy, the first lady…

Oppleser: William Blair