
Summary of The Super Metabolism Diet: The Two-Week Plan to Ignite Your Fat-Burning Furnace and Stay Lean for Life! by David Zinczenko


The Super Metabolism Diet: The Two-Week Plan to Ignite Your Fat-Burning Furnace and Stay Lean for Life! By David Zinczenko - Book Summary - Abbey Beathan

(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book.)

NBC News health and wellness contributor, David Zinczenko, comes back again to teach you how to stay lean for life!

David Zinczenko already did spectacular contributions to the nutrition field when he wrote his #1 New York Times best selling series Zero Sugar Diet, Zero Belly Diet. Now he has returned to teach you more ways to lose weight and have the figure you have always wanted. Filled with menus, shopping guides, a huge variety of optional workouts and tasty recipes, losing weight has never been easier!

(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by Abbey Beathan. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)

"Gaining control of your body is far easier and far more attainable than you have ever imagined." - David Zinczenko

If you are the kind of individual who constantly claims that their metabolism is what prevents them from being lean, then learn to use it in your favour! Convert your metabolism into a fat melting machine in no time with this extraordinary title. And if you think that you'll be forced to never eat your favorite meal again, you're mistaken. There are ways around it and Zinczenko goes into full detail in this awesome title.

According to Zinczenko, his five core pillars is all that you need to obtain the body of your dreams. Are you up for it?

Oppleser: Peter Prova