In The Great Dome on Mercury, Arthur Leo Zagat spins a thrilling tale of human ambition and survival on the scorching planet of Mercury. Beneath the massive, shimmering dome that shields them from the planet's deadly environment, colonists work tirelessly to harness Mercury's resources. But when a series of mysterious and deadly events threaten the colony's survival, it becomes clear that something sinister lurks beneath the surface. As tensions rise and paranoia spreads, a group of determined explorers must uncover the truth before the entire colony collapses into chaos. This gripping adventure is perfect for fans of classic science fiction who crave danger, intrigue, and the challenge of exploring the unknown.
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bookDoc. Turner's Death Antidote : Doc. Turner Series
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bookDoc. Turner's Death Cue : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Great Dome on Mercury : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Lands a Cargo : Dime Mystery Magazine
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bookDolls from Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Axeman's Necklace : Doc. Turner Series
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bookSatan Has Little Teeth! : Doc. Turner Series
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In 20,000 A.D : Wonder Stories
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bookThe Death-Cloud : Wonder Stories
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bookGhouls Ride the Highways : Wonder Stories
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bookMistress of Horror : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookSummer Camp for Corpses : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDrink We Deep : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Menace from Andromeda : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookVenus Mines, Incorporated : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMistress of the Beast : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookA Lodging in Hell : Wonder Stories
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bookWhen The Sleepers Woke : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Tower of Evil : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat