Ben Cuern is a serious businessman from Philadelphia, who finds himself in a strange story and fails to rush through the elephants named Asok on the streets of the Meeting, the capital of a small Indian province. He sees hundreds of people and sees him reintroduced by Gunga Sahib, a famous character in Hindu mythology, who has to return from day to day to bring the beautiful princess to her legitimate throne.
Talbot Mundy
bookThe Hundred Days
Talbot Mundy
bookHer Reputation
Talbot Mundy
bookDelphi Collected Works of Talbot Mundy (Illustrated)
Talbot Mundy, Walter Galt
bookJimgrim and Allah's Peace (Spy Thriller)
Talbot Mundy
bookFor The Salt He Had Eaten
Talbot Mundy
bookThe Hundred Days
Talbot Mundy
bookTros of Samothrace
Talbot Mundy
bookThe Winds of the World
Talbot Mundy
bookJimgrim and Allah’s Peace
Talbot Mundy
bookLion of Petra
Talbot Mundy
bookBlack Light
Talbot Mundy