There is no existence without time, because everything in the world is temporary and nothing lasts forever; time is cause and not consequence; permanence is never possible. The concrete and effective things that we see aren´t states but processes that, as such, are made of moments. Everything comes and goes over time, even the hardest and most resistant is diluted when its cycle is completed; like the ephemeral life of the elements. As everything that happens is measured with time, by similarity and consequence, time can only measure other times that are ultimately compositions reduced to moments. In line with this, everything perceived is by its form, a dynamic and active organization of moments where all experience is a function of time made consciousness.
Iberoamérica sonora : Músicos en efervescencia creativa
Enrique Blanc Rojas, Nicolás Adolfo Inzillo, William Humberto Pérez Vargas, Martín Emanuel Graziano, Héctor Gabriel Plaza, Manuel José Maira Benavente, William Enrique Padrón Poleo, Gabriela Andrea Robles Bayancela, Jaime Andrés Monsalve Buritica, Luis Daniel Vega Pinzón, Juan Carlos Garay Acevedo, Diego Alejandro Londoño Molina, Enrique Blanc Rojas, Juan Carlos Hidalgo Baca, Jaime Acosta Santos, David Anselmo Cortés Arce, Pablo Ferrer Ben-Amar, Adalberto Arcos Landa, Andrés Wolf, María Florencia Carrozza, Maia Alcire, Claudia Valenzuela, Basil Fauchier, Isabelle Andrade, Felipe Vallejo Cano, Leo Carreño, Julia Díaz Santa, Jorge Cano, Pablo Saracho Gómez, César Ortiz Ortiz, Óscar Jaimes Matec, Igor Cortadellas, Joachim Cooder, Mónika Hannelore Pérez Néufeld, Vicente Barragán Cobos, Lina Botero, Eliana Soledad Graziano, Gabriela Díaz Enríquez, Eugenio Mazzinghi, Juan Comini
bookEl abismo lógico Borges y los filósofos de las ideas
Manuel Botero Camacho
bookHuellas de la educación popular en la escuela pública
Patricia Redondo, Laura Santillán, Miguel Duhalde, Sofía Thisted, Gabriel Brener, Javier Calderón, Pablo Imen, Rogelio De Leonardi, Néstor Carasa, Delia Lerner, Verónica Piovani, Graciela Morgade, Luciana Mignoli, Cynthia Bustelo, Roberto Baradel
bookPowering Up Your School : The Learning Power Approach to school leadership (The Learning Power series)
Jann Robinson, Graham Powell, Rachel Macfarlane, Gemma Goldenberg, Robert Cleary, Guy Claxton
Francisco Javier Gil, Elkin Rubiano, María Alejandra Fajardo
Junot Díaz
bookEn defensa del estado de derecho : Estudios sobre las tensiones entre la seguridad y la libertad en el mundo de hoy
Joan Lluis Pérez Francesch, Viridiana Molinares Hassan, Michelle Carducci, Manuel Carrasco _Durán, Tomás Gil Márquez, Lela Janashvili, Tullio Fenucci, Carlo Amirante, Michelangelo Pascali, David Odalric Caixal i de Mata
bookThe Hatred of Poetry
Ben Lerner
bookGardner para principiantes: enigmas y juegos matemáticos
Manuel García Déniz, Jorge Luengo Tabernero, Adela Rodríguez Rodríguez, Anton Aubanell Pou, Clara Grima Ruiz, Claudi Alsina i Català, Miguel Ángel Morales Medina, Pedro Alegría Ezquerra, Raúl Ibáñez Torres, Vicente Meavilla Seguí, Isabel Queralt Castellano, Roger B. Nelsen, Ana de la Fuente Cantarino, María Luz Callejo de la Vega, Esteban Serrano Marugán
bookEl amanecer de los derechos del hombre : La Controversia de Valladolid
Jean Dumont
bookCastidad : La reconciliación de los sentidos
Erik Varden
bookA Different Kind of Fast : Feeding Our True Hungers in Lent
Christine Valters Paintner