“The Story of Santa Claus” is a delightful story about a young man who lives in his little wooden house and loves to make children happy by making them toys. Claus likes to carry his sack full of dolls, drums, horns, and wooden animals, and walk to the village passing out toys to children along the way. When winter comes, Claus is not able to walk to the village anymore. One day Claus meets magic deer that encourage him to make a sleigh so they can pull him across the snow into the nearby town. When Claus arrives in the village everyone is sleeping. So the deer carry Claus, and the sleigh, to the rooftop so Claus can climb down the chimney to deliver presents. And so it continues that on every Christmas Eve, with a sack full of toys, and reindeer to pull his sleigh, Santa Claus delivers presents to every little girl and boy.
La Historia de Papá Noel
Rick Bunsen
bookThe Story of Santa Claus
Rick Bunsen
bookEra La Víspera de Navidad
Clement C. Moore
book'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Clement C. Moore
bookEl Cascanueces
Rick Bunsen
bookThe Nutcracker
Rick Bunsen
bookLa Angelita
Cathy East Dubowski
bookThe Littlest Angel
Cathy East Dubowski
bookMy First Book of Christmas Carols
Judy Nayer
bookEl Arbolito de Navidad
Cass Hollander
bookThe Littlest Christmas Tree
Cass Hollander
bookLa Primera Navidad de Osito
Judy Nayer
Fishing for Kids : A Complete Guide
Tony R. Smith
audiobookHow to Trick a Christmas Elf
Sue Fliess
bookFeasts and Festivals Around the World: From Lunar New Year to Christmas
Alice B. McGinty
bookPeter and Wendy : Classics for Christmas Series
J. M. Barrie
bookThe Tiny Star : An Inspirational Christmas Story About the Star of Bethlehem
Arthur Ginolfi
bookChristmas Carol & the Shimmering Elf
Robert L. Fouch
bookFerdinand Finds Christmas
Jay Tucker
bookChristmas Carol & the Defenders of Claus
Robert L. Fouch
bookThe Night before Christmas - or A Visit from St. Nicholas (with the original illustrations by Jessie Willcox Smith)
Clement Clarke Moore
bookSanta Claus and Other Christmas Stories
Maxine Barry
bookThe Magic of a Small Town Christmas
Megan Alexander
bookA Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens