The Traitor follows the story of John Graham, a renowned lawyer serving as the Ku Klux Klan's North Carolina Grand Dragon. The story opens with the readers encountering the drunk hero contemplating revenge. After being disbarred and turned out of his family home by the corrupt Republican Judge, Graham seeks personal and legal reparations, only to find himself enchanted with the Judge's charming daughter, Stella. In a reaction to Graham's threats against him, the enraged Judge summons federal armies to round up the Klan members. When Graham recognizes that the strong "Invisible Empire" now faces danger in the form of government prosecution, he calls one final march and meeting. The fate of the Klan unfolds later in the story. It is a story of the American South set in the years after the Civil War, told from a white point of view. Dixon offers a portrait of the Ku Klux Klan, an organization that was, according to him, created in desperation to rescue southern civilization. Participating in the gothic tradition, this work contains folk legends, tales of haunted houses and secret passageways, and rumored generational madness as part of its interesting story.
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