Two switch lights twinkled; one at the east, and one at the west end of the siding. For the rest all was blackness. Half way between the switch lights, snuggled close against the single-tracked main line, the station, little more than a shanty and too insignificant to boast a night operator, loomed up shadowy and indistinct. Away to the westward, like jagged points sticking up into the night and standing out in relief against the skyline, the Rockies reared their peaks. And the spell of the brooding mountains seemed to lie over all the desolate, butte-broken surrounding country -- for all was utter silence.
The Miracle Man
Frank Packard
bookThe White Moll
Frank Packard
bookThe Sin That Was His
Frank Packard
bookThe Beloved Traitor
Frank Packard
Frank Packard
bookFrom Now On
Frank Packard
bookThe Night Operator
Frank Packard
bookDoors of the Night
Frank Packard
bookThe Mystery Omnibus #1 (Serapis Classics)
Wadsworth Camp, Arthur Rees, E. Philllips Oppenheim, Frank Packard, Meredith Nicholson, Anna Katharine Green, Edith Lavell
bookDoors of the Night
Frank Packard