
Try Right


She’s on a mission to reunite with her soul mate.

He’s the fool who agreed to help her.

A year ago Claudia was Hollywood’s most sought-after actress, now the only role she can get is a bit part in a tv series filmed in Hawaii. She can’t afford to say no, and Hawaii offers something more than CPR for her career—its the home of her first love, a Hawaiian hero she’s been dreaming of for six years.

Henry is the best in the business. A fearless stuntman, he's used to standing in for the leading man. He’s never wanted to be the star until Claudia saunters onto set wearing the shortest shorts he’s ever seen.

When an unorthodox bet throws them together, Henry finds himself agreeing to help Claudia track down her long-lost love.

Now he just has to keep himself from doing something stupid, like falling in love with her.

This Retro Hawaiian Romance set in 1968 contains piggy-back rides up Diamond Head Crater, skinny dipping in paradise, and a pair of friends who can’t keep their hands off each other.

Fans of Try Easy will love this next installment of the Aloha Series, a stand-alone friends-to-lovers romance.