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  1. RESILIENZ BRAUCHT MENTALE STÄRKE! Wie Sie beides in praktischen Schritten aufbauen : (inkl. Mentales Training für Resilienz und echte mentale Stärke)

    Mira Salm

  2. I Don't Wait Anymore

    Grace Thornton

  3. Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace : A Practical Guide for Employers and Employees

    Gill Hasson, Donna Butler

  4. The Fighting Soul : On the Road with Bernie Sanders

    Ari Rabin-Havt

  5. Life Among the Piutes : The First Autobiography of a Native American Woman: First Meeting of Piutes and Whites, Domestic and Social Moralities of Piutes, Wars and Their Causes, Reservation of Pyramid and Muddy Lakes

    Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins

  6. #MeToo in the Corporate World : Power, Privilege, and the Path Forward

    Sylvia Ann Hewlett

  7. Das Kind auf der Liste : Die Geschichte von Willy Blum und seiner Familie. Mit einem Vorwort von Romani Rose

    Annette Leo

  8. How I Planned Your Wedding : The All-True Story of a Mother and Daughter Surviving the Happiest Day of Their Lives

    Susan Wiggs, Elizabeth Wiggs Maas

  9. The Girl in the Photograph: The True Story of a Native American Child, Lost and Found in America

    Byron L. Dorgan

  10. Angels in the ER : Inspiring True Stories From an Emergency Room Doctor

    Robert D. Lesslie

  11. Unworthy Republic : The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory

    Claudio Saunt

  12. Why I Don't Work Here Anymore : A Leader’s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees

    Dr. Mitchell Kusy
