Stage Photography

"A book for anyone wishing to approach photography in a professional and authentic way". A selection of notes and theories collected over more than ten years of shooting a few metres from the scene. The text is structured in more than thirty articles, some short, others more substantial. You will find technical indications as well as philosophical dissertations, reflections on photography as well as practical advice. Table of Contents Introduction Author The lights go off, the show begins Show and photography, beyond appearances A photography in motion: the choice of shooting points Problem of blurred and underexposed photos in live show photography Photographing the show: the live music concert Some common mistakes in live show photography Object-oriented or idea-oriented photography? Camera, lenses, exposure, framing Red stage lights: when black and white is preferable Anthropocentric vision of the scene photography: the importance of the details Photographing the hip-hop event Nine tips to get an accreditation to photograph concerts On the need to take stage photography beyond the journalistic purpose What is the relationship between photography and theatre? Time and analytical approach in scene photography The importance of extra-diegetic elements in the photography of the show 3 objectives for the photography of the show The inappropriate violence of digital watermarking applied to images Notes on photographic texturing Photographic seriality on the Internet: an ethical choice Online photo portfolio: when twenty shots are not enough Contextualization and selection of the photographic corpus Photo backup: dealing with the nightmare of losing everything Notes on vignetting Optics cleaning Manual optics and automatic optics Photography, releases and rights/duties of the photographer How can I protect my photos online? Photographic medicine: abandoning oneself to find inspiration again When the photographer doesn’t put love into it A new lens? Better ten photo books Does the camera make you a photographer? Is Photoshop really that important? Is Instagram killing photography? Let’s clear the air Analog and digital considerations Superiority of photographic contemplation over video Colours: a compromise between reality and its reproduction About Photography