Bokserier • 25 bøker

You think you know

Hollywood Hulk Hogan™?

Brother, you don't know squat about me.

Yeah, I'm the towering red-and-yellow warrior who revolutionized the wrestling business, the larger-than-life superhero who transformed an entire country into a horde of Hulkamaniacs™. I'm the guy who spit blood and breathed fire to help create an empire called World Wrestling Entertainment™.

But it wasn't always like that. Once I was a fat kid named Terry Bollea watching legends like Dusty Rhodes and Superstar Billy Graham, never dreaming I'd be a professional wrestler myself one day.

Find out what makes me cry like a baby and what makes my blood boil. Then tell me you know the man called Hollywood Hulk Hogan™.

Join the Babe Ruth of wrestling on a gritty, no-holds-barred odyssey from his start in the barbaric wrestling arenas of the seventies through the humiliation of his involvement in federal steroid-abuse trials to the achievement of his greatest triumph yet.

Along the way, lock up with the likes of Mr. T, Ted Turner, The Rock®...and of course, Vince McMahon™, head of World Wrestling Entertainment™.