
A Collection Of Ten Short Stories For Children โ€“ Book 2


This is the second audiobook. It is a collection of ten short stories for children. They are funny and enjoyable. This audiobook collection contains the following stories: The Man Who Likes To Shout (1) A goat herder who spent his days in the fields shouting at his goats. When he was with other people he found that he had a problem which made them dislike him. โ€“ The Sly Fox, The Sneaky Snake And The Dirty Rat (2) A little girl who lived with her grandma enjoyed helping her around the house. One day the little girl had to go to the market by herself. โ€“ The Big Fat Fly (3) There was an old town where people threw their rubbish into the streets and it was the animals that cleaned it up. The flies werenโ€™t happy so something had to be done. โ€“ A Little Bird Who Likes to Sing and Dance (4) A happy little bird who loved to sing and dance and playing with the other birds. Unfortunately for the little bird his happiness was taken away. โ€“ The Uninvited Visitor (5) An old man and his wife wanted a quiet life away from the noise and city life. Their peace and quiet was interrupted by an uninvited visitor. โ€“ The Little Pussycat (6) A little lion cub who lived in a jungle. His parents did a very good job protecting him, but maybe too well. โ€“ The Man With A Fat Belly (7) A man who had a belly that was not quite ordinary. It was extremely fat. No one knew why this manโ€™s belly was so fat. โ€“ A Promise is A Promise (8) There was a young man who had no money and often no food. One day when the young man was looking for food he came across a dried up old tree which changed his fortune. โ€“ Big Brown Bear (9) A big brown bear who enjoys stealing food. โ€“ The Wicked Witch (10) A wicked witch who enjoyed a good wicked laugh.

Narrator: Mike Jones