Rodrigues Ottolengui's 'A Modern Wizard' is a thrilling novel that combines elements of detective fiction and supernatural mystery. Set in New York City, the story follows the adventures of detective Harvey Deane as he investigates a series of baffling crimes with seemingly supernatural elements. Ottolengui's prose is clever and engaging, blending the conventions of the detective genre with elements of the occult, creating a unique and compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The novel is a fascinating example of late 19th-century popular literature, reflecting the interest in spiritualism and the supernatural that was prevalent during the period. Rodrigues Ottolengui, a dentist by profession, was a prolific author who wrote several popular mystery novels in addition to his dental practice. His background in science and medicine gives his writing a unique perspective, as he combines his knowledge of the human body with a flair for storytelling. Ottolengui's interest in the occult and detective fiction shines through in 'A Modern Wizard', making it a must-read for fans of both genres. This gripping novel is sure to entertain and captivate readers with its blend of mystery, intrigue, and the supernatural. I highly recommend 'A Modern Wizard' to readers who enjoy a combination of detective fiction and supernatural mystery. Ottolengui's expert storytelling and intriguing plot make this novel a compelling and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of both genres.
A Modern Wizard
- 229 pages