
A Morning for Flamingos


Dave Robicheaux felt the bone-grinding pain rip through his body as the .45 did its damage. Through the agonizing haze that enveloped him, he heard an almost inhuman laugh-the hideous, victorious cackling of Jimmie Lee Boggs-a sound he would never forget. It had started out as an ordinary prisoner transfer, then turned into a blood bath when the convicted murderer got hold of a gun. Robicheaux could still hear that contemptible laughter, replacing the horrors from 'Nam he relived every night, echoing in the still of his darkened bedroom. When Boggs is spotted in New Orleans, Robicheaux follows, joining a DEA sting operation in the Quarter. Poised for revenge, he prepares to face his fears and silence the laughter once and for all. But, in the murky water of the Pearl River, Robicheaux finds that some things are more important than sweet, simple revenge.

Narrator: Mark Hammer


3 ratings



Han har något eget, herr Burke! Som om Hemingway börjat skriva hårdkokta kriminalböcker. Träffande filosofiska iakttagelser, blandade med ett tilltalande skriftspråk, rädsla, mod, blod och krutrök. Uppläsaren är tillräckligt bra för att jag som lyssnare inte skall gråta av saknad efter Will Patton och det är en, i mitt tycke, stor komplimang. Rekommenderas för män med hår på bröstet och kvinnor som attraheras av dem!