
A Shade of Mind: Volume 1: Random Psychic | Forever Mortal


This is the first two installments in A Shade of Mind, an urban fantasy thriller series, filled with paranormal, romance, and science-fiction twists and turns!

Random Psychic

Technologically incompetent Madeline has to use her random psychic ability to track down a secret identity of an avatar from the most advanced game technology on Earth, or her best friend will be killed. During the process, she falls for Ciaran, a man who possesses more dangerous secrets than the kidnapping ordeal she has already tangled herself in.

Forever Mortal

Thirty-three years' worth of secrets fall on the shoulders of Ciaran and Madeline with a force that even their enduring love for each other might not help them survive. How much will they give, take, and sacrifice for each other and for those they love?

Narrator: Catherine Edwards