
Alice's Awakening โ€“ erotic short story

audiobook & e-book

โ€˜He continues with alternating blows and caresses, burning yet sweet. Aroused by his firm spanking, an intense heat spreads through my body and grips me. What is happening to me?โ€™

Torture and humiliation... When shame becomes a pleasure, should we let desire lead the way? Alice will discover not only the answer to this question but much more, as she explores the limits of her eroticism, guided by a lover with very particular tastes... From exhibitionism to voyeurism to domination, Alice is swept along in an erotic journey of self-discovery. A journey which touches the boundaries of eroticism, exploring it through music, rhythm, fantasy and brutality.

Erotica, sex, fantasy, dominant, domination, humiliation, masturbation, exhibitionism, lingerie, hotel, public places.

Nicolas Lemarin has a degree in psychology and is a former sailor. He used to be a journalist for nautical magazines as well.

As a lover of words and eroticism and a lively and creative mind, it is naturally that he started writing erotic short stories.

Narrator: Lily Ward