At the heart of the strange new post-nuclear world known as Deathlands lie the mysteries of pre-dark society—secrets that may hold the key to a future of peace...or peril. Armed with rare knowledge of top secret twenty-first-century technology, Ryan Cawdor and his band of warrior survivalists traverse the new America, seeking to claim something beyond the grim reality of Deathlands. In the radiation-blasted heart of the northwest, Ryan and his companions form a tenuous alliance with a society of women warriors in what may be the stunning culmination of their quest. After years of searching, they have found the gateway to the pre-dark cabal of the Illuminated Ones—and perhaps their one chance to reclaim the future from the jaws of madness. But to seize tomorrow, they must confront its deadly guardians: what is left of the constitutional Government of the United States of America. (The Illuminated Ones - 1 of 2)
Hostile Takeover [Dramatized Adaptation] : The Trader 3
James Axler
audiobookAurora Quest [Dramatized Adaptation] : Earth Blood 3
James Axler
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James Axler
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James Axler
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James Axler
audiobookFreak Pharm [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
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James Axler
audiobookProdigal's Return [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookShadow Box [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
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James Axler
audiobookMutie Nation [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 153
James Axler
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James Axler
Pilgrimage to Hell [Dramatized Adaptation]
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James Axler
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James Axler
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James Axler
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James Axler
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James Axler
audiobookDectra Chain [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookIce and Fire [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookRed Equinox [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
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James Axler
audiobookTime Nomads [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
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James Axler
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Jon F. Merz
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Matt James
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Brenton J. Cox
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Andre Norton
Toby Neighbors
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Ryder Stacy
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C.J. Cherryh
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Elizabeth Moon
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Tim Waggoner
Michael McBride