Friedmann's "Anne Boleyn" is a classic biography of the wife of Henry VIII. Originally published in 1884, Friedmann's work is still considered an authoritative source as is one of the most cited pieces on Boleyn.
Maria Stuart
Stefan Zweig
audiobookbookPeter den Store bind 1
Aleksej Tolstoj
bookGrotto of the Dancing Deer
Clifford D. Simak
audiobookAnne Boleyn : Her Execution for Treason, and Her Political and Religious Upheaval
Kelly Mass
audiobookCITIES OF PLAIN : Ground Breaking Novel that Explored the World of Homosexual Relationships in 20th Century France (In Search of Lost Time Novels)
Marcel Proust
bookA Man For All Seasons : George Bernard Shaw In His Time
George Bernard Shaw
audiobookMalla Silfverstolpes memoarer
Malla Silfverstolpe
Luca Caioli, Cyril Collot
bookThe Lady in the Tower : The Fall of Anne Boleyn
Alison Weir
audiobookNeymar: My Story : Conversations with My Father
Sr., Jr., Mauro Beting
bookFurste av Norden : Kristian Tyrann
Erik Petersson
bookHow to Be a Tudor : A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Tudor Life
Ruth Goodman