
Aphorisms III



Some Captions from APHORISMS III:

Thinking is procrastination

Skill is the highest form of knowledge.

The only use of studying philosophy is

Performance is always unconscious.

Living inside your head is like masturbation. You get

The human exists only between blood red brutality and

Game and the containment of

One can live next to the bakery and die from starvation

Its pretty obvious that humans are conscious because

I don't know who you are and I don't care to know who

Take all organisms that ever existed and exist and

The opposite of falling in love is gaining another option


The crazy

Since everything is leveraged, we have a dark number

How famous do you really want to get

Speaking at least one foreign language is m

While existing, you have to legitimize all you do to

What you pay < What you consume

Mathematics changes how you think, philosophy changes what you think and sociology changes that you think.

Action is the purest state of being.

The opposite of engineers is academics with velvet

Lets look at some new

People don't need to actually work to believe that they

Everything that is in the realm of consciousness is a spectrum, even rape.

Is it your

Nervous system/ Quantum

The big brother of Talebs FU money is having a FU skill

There's only nature, the individual and god

Cults and Gods never die, they just

They simply want to fuck with my gene propagation

Is this actually whats happening or am I just rationalizing

State of the art in europe, or what will happen:

Nature is more indifferent than the applied law is

What you do is always 10x than remembering what your

What you choose > what you pay

Guide to the web

There are no brands, only faces/ personalitiyes/ gods

Theres something about schizophrenia that doesnt

If you have the slight feeling that you should go (abondon

Only products can be famous. Humans can only be infamous

If you rely on marketing

Words are procrastination

There's one illness that befalls the non-doer, the

I'm pretty sure that the new game is making

Game is weird and leads to weird sex. The question

Hate makes me feel alive.

I'm sure the guy that made you get that son was a loser.

Human Dignity

My conscious says I'm horny, bitch. All I see is youth

Game for the high status male is non-risk in western

Diplomacy is just another version of psychopathy.

The effort

Race/ Identity only seems to be tied to opinion bias

How to be slim forever

Diplomacy is just another version of psychopathy. copy

What we are actually talking about when talking about

Action changes what you know

Please, tell me, why I should not collect all my privilege

Mind touching

Saying police force is shit is like saying dog shit

Key assumptions

Being forgiving is hard because it makes you attackable