


Darkover, a Lost Colony far out on the galactic rim, a world of telepaths, nonhumans, and warlords … a world

about to discover the terrible destructive power of weapons of the mind …

Traumatized by psychic warfare as a child, a young woman with extraordinary psychic talents negotiates a

treacherous path, risking unforeseen dangers to create a haven where she and others can use their skills for


In Darkover’s dim past, before the tumultuous Ages of Chaos, small kingdoms still vied for power with sword and

spear. But with the rise of psychic abilities called laran, unscrupulous leaders turned to half-trained sorcerers

for an advantage. One such struggle arose between the realms of Hastur and its ambitious neighbor, Carcosse.

Leora Hastur is still a child when her laran awakens, and the resulting crisis almost claims her life. Her beloved

older sister, Neave, and her father’s small circle of telepathic workers manage to save her, but nothing can

shield her from the horrors of the impending war. Leora’s younger sister perishes in the firestorm of laran-fueled

destruction when Lord Carcosse and his sorcerer attack their home. Scarred and deeply traumatized, Leora is

sent to a faraway Tower for healing. In the process, she grows to womanhood and develops her extraordinary

Gifts, wanting nothing more than to live and work among fellow telepaths.

But war is brewing once more …

To prevent another catastrophe, Lord Hastur brokers an alliance, with marriage to Leora as part of the treaty.

Rather than see others suffer as she has, Leora reluctantly agrees. As she and Neave travel to the wedding,

one calamity follows another, from a flash flood to an attack by nonhuman catmen … and capture by ruthless

Dry Towns slavers. To save her sister and their fellow captives, Leora must call forth a previously unknown Gift

and summon the gods themselves to her cause.

Arilinn is the new, long-awaited adventure in the beloved Darkover series. It’s perfect for both devoted fans and

those new to the world of the Bloody Sun.