This ‘Business Meeting Presence’ Guided Meditation & Hypnotherapy session is aimed at people who want to have more presence and impact in a meeting. Meetings, in essence, are meant to boost productivity and efficiency. When everyone is on the same page and aware of what should be done, even the most challenging tasks can be completed. Love them or hate them, you can’t completely eliminate meetings. So it’s important to make them as useful and constructive as possible and make sure that your contribution is impactful and useful. If you have noticed that in business meetings recently that you seem to be lacking some executive presence, then this audio will help you to be engaged, speak up, share your thoughts and ideas and have the self-confidence and presence you need in meetings to really stand out. We recommend that you listen to our session at least four times so you can really compound the positive messaging, override the old beliefs and help your mind create new neural pathways to having powerful business meeting presence. Download the House of Wellbeing app for more audios.
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